Architectural Control

The purpose of the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is to protect the aesthetic quality of the environment at the design level by controlling specifications, architecture, design, appearance, location, landscaping, and alterations or modifications of all buildings and structures located within the Association.

Application for approval is required of all exterior modifications, including like for like replacements and tree removals.

You may download a printable application form below. Please submit the following along with your application.

  1. Required Deposit/Fees if applicable.
  2. Site plan showing work to be done.
  3. Description of proposed materials to be used, if applicable.
  4. Proposed landscape changes, if applicable.
  5. Pertinent photos, samples or brochures.
  6. Any additional detailed specifications useful for the ARB's review.
  7. Note *Tree(s) to be removed MUST BE MARKED to assist the inspection process. If a tree claimed to be diseased is not discernible to the eye, an arborist statement is needed.

Committee members do not have to be residents of the Association.

ACC activities are coordinated by Marsh Landing Management. Email your architectural staff: Jamie Parker at and Erin Hires at

The ACC meeting notices are posted on the bulletin boards outside our main and Solana Road gates. All interested persons are invited to attend.

ACC Architectural Review Application
ACC Checklist of Requirements
ACC Fee and Desposit Schedule
ACC Changes Effective 10-1-17
ACC Emergency Safety Restoration Procedures