Operations, Maintenance & Waterways (OM&W) Committee meetings are held in the downstairs conference room of Marsh Landing Management on the…
The Master ACC meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month. The purpose is to review exterior modifications…
Communications Meeting to develop news items for “This month in September” e-notice and finalize October Players Journal Join Zoom Meeting…
Communications Meeting to develop draft of October Players Journal and plan for ongoing communication updates. Join by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82470222527 Meeting…
All meetings by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86042595906 Meeting ID: 860 4259 5906 One tap mobile: +13052241968, 86042595906# US 2024 Agendas CAC Agenda…
The Master ACC meets twice monthly on the second and fourth Monday of each month. The purpose is to review…
Meetings of the Master Board meetings are currently held at Marsh Landing Management Company with an optional Zoom Link provided…
Finance Meetings are held monthly on the Tuesday prior to each board meeting. The Committee reviews the monthly financial report,…
CAC Agenda 1-11-24 Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86903624055?pwd=M3hnblhNWFBOL0NHV0FIL1ByVm83dz09 Meeting ID: 869 0362 4055 Passcode: 931335
The Recreation Committee meets monthly to discuss repairs and improvements at Players Pool and Players Park as well to plan…
The Recreation Committee meets monthly to discuss repairs and improvements at Players Pool and Players Park as well to plan…
The Recreation Committee meets monthly to discuss repairs and improvements at Players Pool and Players Park. They plan community events…
The Recreation Committee meets monthly to discuss repairs and improvements at Players Pool and Players Park. They plan community events…
The Recreation Committee meets monthly to discuss repairs and improvements at Players Pool and Players Park. They plan community events…
The Recreation Committee meets monthly to discuss repairs and improvements at Players Pool and Players Park. They plan community events…
The Recreation Committee meets monthly to discuss repairs and improvements at Players Pool and Players Park. They plan community events…
The Recreation Committee meets monthly to discuss repairs and improvements at Players Pool and Players Park. They plan community events…
The Recreation Committee meets monthly to discuss repairs and improvements at Players Pool and Players Park. They plan community events…
The Recreation Committee meets monthly to discuss repairs and improvements at Players Pool and Players Park. They plan community events…
Rec Committee Agenda 11-16-23
Rec Committee Agenda 9-21-23
The Players Club Recreation Committee is excited to announce its upcoming flick in the field featuring Ratatouille. Click here for…
The Players Club Recreation Committee is excited to announce its upcoming music event featuring the Conmen at Players Park on…
Come join the Recreation Committee for their music night featuring 50 Shades of Grey from 6 PM to 9 PM…
Skip the hassle of making dinner and join the Rec Committee at Food Truck Tuesday. Food Truck Tuesday is held…
Skip the hassle of making dinner and join the Rec Committee at Food Truck Tuesday. Food Truck Tuesday is held…
Give Mom a break from the kitchen and come join us. We’ll have two food trucks with delicious menus: Empanada…
Come join the Recreation Committee for their music night featuring 5 O’clock Shadow at Players Park Friday October 13th at 6…
The Annual Members Meeting will be on June 22nd at 6 p.m. at the TPC Clubhouse. The purpose of the…
Meetings of the Master Board meetings are currently held at Marsh Landing Management Company with an optional Zoom Link provided…
Join the Rec Committee for food trucks and attractions at the annual Spring Fling! Attractions include a bubble truck, miniature…
Finance Meetings are held monthly on the Tuesday prior to each board meeting. The Committee reviews the monthly financial report,…
Come join the Recreation Committee for their music night featuring the CON Men at Players Park Friday March 24th at…
Join the Recreation Committee for the annual Winterfest at Players Park.
Join the Recreation Committee for the annual Winterfest at Players Park.
Meetings of the Master Board meetings are currently being held by Zoom for guests with Board Members at Marsh Landing…
Meetings of the Master Board meetings are currently being held by Zoom for guests with Board Members at Marsh Landing…
Finance Meetings are held monthly on the Tuesday prior to each board meeting. The Committee reviews the monthly financial report,…
Finance Meetings are held monthly on the Tuesday prior to each board meeting. The Committee reviews the monthly financial report,…
Finance Meetings are held monthly on the Tuesday prior to each board meeting. The Committee reviews the monthly financial report,…
Meeting to plan April Players Journal Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81001280008 Meeting ID: 810 0128 0008
Meeting to plan October Players Journal Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85384254220 Meeting ID: 853 8425 4220
You are invited to attend the Annual Members meeting on June 23rd at 6 PM at the TPC Clubhouse. The…
The Recreation Committee oversees repairs and improvements at Players Pool and Players Park. They plan resident events for the benefit…
The May Meeting will be at Players Pool. The Committee will discuss Music Nights and review the recently held Spring…
The January Meeting will be at Players Pool. The Committee will finalize the Winterfest and Spring Fling Music Night plans.
The September Meeting will be at Players Pool. The Committee will finalize the 2022 draft budget and complete preparation for…
The July meeting will be held by Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81655115717 Meeting ID: 816 5511 5717 One tap mobile…
Please Join By Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88543726683?pwd=RTlENDlYemV0cjhlN3ZtTnFMOUtCZz09 Meeting ID: 885 4372 6683 Passcode: 304126 Establish a Quorum and Proof of Notice Call…
All meetings by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86042595906 Meeting ID: 860 4259 5906 One tap mobile: +13052241968, 86042595906# US 2024 Agendas CAC Agenda…
Please Join By Zoom: Establish a Quorum and Proof of Notice Call to Order Recognition of Guests Open Forum Approval…
Please Join By Zoom: Establish a Quorum and Proof of Notice Call to Order Recognition of Guests Open Forum Approval…
Please Join By Zoom: Establish a Quorum and Proof of Notice Call to Order Recognition of Guests Open Forum Approval…
Please Join By Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84411089000 Meeting ID: 844 1108 9000 Establish a Quorum and Proof of Notice Call to Order…
Please Join By Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87363668039 Meeting ID: 873 6366 8039 Establish a Quorum and Proof of Notice Call to Order…
Please Join By Zoom: Establish a Quorum and Proof of Notice Call to Order Recognition of Guests Open Forum Approval…
Please Join By Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84358918921 Meeting ID: 843 5891 8921 Establish a Quorum and Proof of Notice Call to Order…
Please Join By Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84783562732 Meeting ID: 847 8356 2732 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kl6JNUY7g Establish a Quorum and Proof…
Please Join By Zoom: Establish a Quorum and Proof of Notice Call to Order Recognition of Guests Open Forum Approval…
Please Join By Zoom: Time: Mar 3, 2022 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84305064203?pwd=UWdvbzVXbUpjWjdKcDFWV3BjdExLUT09 Meeting…
Sawgrass Players Club residents are invited to a Concert in the Park on Saturday, February 12, starting at 7 p.m.…
Join the Recreation Committee for food trucks and live music featuring the band Hired Guns at Players Park from 6:00…
Join the Recreation Committee for another adult music night featuring the Mandalla Band at Players Park from 6:00 p.m. to…
Join the Recreation Committee for food trucks and live music featuring the band Hired Guns at Players Park from 6:00…
Join the Recreation Committee for the annual Spring Fling at Players Park: Food Trucks Balloon Art Lawn Games and Relay…
Come One, Come All – It’s Winterfest Time! Yes, it’s that time of year, the Recreation Committee is gearing up…
You may vote in person or if you are unable to attend simply mail in your limited proxy to vote…
The Master ACC meets twice monthly on the second and fourth Monday of each month The purpose is to review…
Operations, Maintenance & Waterways (OM&W) Committee Meeting. OM&W meetings are held in the downstairs conference room of Marsh Landing Management…
Operations, Maintenance & Waterways (OM&W) Committee Meeting. OM&W meetings are held in the downstairs conference room of Marsh Landing Management…
Please join the Master Board to attend a townhall to Discuss Capital Contribution Fees If you are unable to attend…
Meetings of the Master Board are currently being held by Zoom for guests with Board Members at Marsh Landing Management…